
Showing posts from August, 2017

Do you have objectives or outcomes?

How many of you saw the title and thought, aren't those the same thing? How many read the title and knew they're different? Let's dive in, shall we? An objective is measurable and has an action verb related to a knowledge, skill, or behavior . Say you're creating a training for the service industry, and within the training you have the learner practice creating a combination of drinks. A worthwhile objective for this might be "The learner will create at least 10 correct drink orders in seven minutes."  In the online training you'd have a timer on screen, and as orders come in they make the drinks. This practice would measure if the learner was successful or not about their knowledge of how to make certain drinks. Take it a step further and use some on-the-job training with the same objective to assess the skill component. They have the knowledge of what goes into the drinks, now lets test if they can actually make them.  The outcome of tr...

Effective Design

Have you ever seen an online training when there is too much text, crazy animations that make it hard to follow, and monotone narration? I'm sure we all have, and I'm sure we all rapidly clicked our way through in order to be complaint or shut it off because it wasn't helpful. The only take-away you got from it was that you never wanted to watch it again. But have you ever seen an online training that makes you want to keep watching? Makes you forget that 1) you were required to take it or 2) that you're actually learning something. Of course you do, and I'm pretty sure you may have even told a colleague or two about it. These thoughts have been going through my mind this week as I've been reworking a couple courses that I inherited. So, what are two things that you can easily change so your designs make your course more effective? One: On-screen language and transcripts should be different  Your on screen text and transcript should NEVER match exact...