Applying Theory to Instructional Design: Part 3
In this three part series, I plan to explain how to take learning theories and apply them to the work that we do as practitioners. Check out parts one and two to learn how to apply behavioral and cognitive theories. SOCIAL LEARNING THEORIES The previous concepts focused on the learners’ behavior and thought process, but the concepts within social learning focus on social environments and learning from others. The use of modeling is when people perform for others to learn from. This can be shown by physically doing something or completing a think aloud to demonstrate the thought process behind a decision. Models can also be in the form of images or symbols and can be used as a reference tool throughout and after the training. It’s important to note that the model should be relatable to the learner i.e. the barista that shows how to make a drink should be selected based on learner demographics from the analysis phase and they should also be creditable. Self-efficacy...