Infographics in ID?

Who doesn't love a good visual? According to Customer Magnetism, 90 percent of information transmitted to the brain is visual.

If this is true, then a  quality online course is engaging and filled with just the right combination of words and images, very similar to an infographic. While marketing gurus may use them to build brand awareness, I like to use them as inspiration for my designs or as job aids that compliment a course.

In my line of work most of the content is VERY text heavy. Think statutes, policies- basically really dense material. It's my job to streamline it into an engaging online training that increase awareness and knowledge. I enjoy these projects the most because the challenge of transforming dry content into a fun course is rewarding, and not to mention the learners enjoy it as well.

My most recent work involved making a course for the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) related to Florida Administrative Codes. I could have easily jazzed up the content with animations and a couple of images, but no... that would not have been acceptable in my book. My inspiration was an infographic.

I started with a template and went from there. Once I had my colors and shapes decided on, I put it together keeping in mind flow and critical information. While the infographs themselves were not used in the course, they were my muse during development. I can share these with you because Florida Administrative Codes (FAC) are public information, and all the content is available if you conduct a Google search. Keep in mind that a requirement of mine was to include EVERY detail related to the FAC. I would consider this a bit text heavy, but considering my constraints it was very useful during development.

Remember, infographics should be used when appropriate, but even if you don't use them within courses, I find planning and brainstorming with them a useful way to identify what information I want to share when content is text heavy.


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