On your mark, get set, Go!
When I reflect on memories of the past it's funny that most of them involve some sort of creative element. As a kid, road trips were always accompanied by some type of Cracker Barrel art book or making homemade Christmas ornaments for the tree every year (the cinnamon ones that we baked were always my favorite).
Using my imagination to create a world of fantasy and play was a daily necessity. As I grew older playtime gradually phased out and painting, drawing, and creating sculptures took its place.
This artistic talent came with me as I entered my adult life. In college I knew one thing: strive for all A's. What I didn't know is what I wanted to do when I grew up. I knew I enjoyed kids and I loved art. This led me to education...Long story short, I enjoyed building lessons, curriculum projects, and brainstorming meetings more than anything. God bless all the teachers out there, but it was not my calling. It was the stepping stone I needed to begin my career in instructional design.
My professor always says that no one wants to grow up being an instructional designer, but I disagree. I believe they do, they just don't know it.
As I continue my fairly new journey in the world of instructional design, I intend for this blog to serve as my outlet for information sharing, learning, and showcasing my version of instructional art.
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