Evaluation and Web 2.0 Tools?

I'm on the hunt ya'll!

I'm working on an evaluation plan for online trainings at work. While we have assessments within our courses (level 2), we currently have next to nothing that gathers level 1 data in order to judge if our trainings are getting the point across or that can help us determine next steps to make the training more effective.

I'm very interested in using a Web 2.0 tool that is easy to use (change in my workplace is viewed as bad), free or minimal cost, and be accessible on multiple devices.

First under the microscope:Yammer. We already have Office 365 products, it looks similar to Facebook, and has a polling feature. But I think this may be better suited for smaller classes or teams. I like it as a tool to use within my office, so maybe I'll keep it on the back burner. As for department wide (4,000+ members.).. probably not. Have you used Yammer for evaluation purposes? What are your thoughts?

But hold up.. wait! 

I don't want to make a training or job aid on how to use a new tool (because I know I will), so what about a platform and tool we already have, but using it in a new way?

SharePoint and Survey Monkey came to mind. While SharePoint would be considered a web 2.0 tool (depending on the permissions set) Survey Monkey is not. BUT when combined together would employees have more opportunity to share their opinions and even engage beyond a survey? This may be the way to go... at least when it comes to level 1 evals.

But then, there's the option of using the LMS course evaluation feature...We just recently converted to a new LMS, so EdTech is still learning the basics of the system. I'm not sure that that option would be ideal right now. But maybe in the future.

Then the rabbit hole that is the internet led me to this: Open Education Database. A list of Web 2.0 teaching/planning/development/communication tools but nothing about evaluations. GRR!

While I continue the analysis phase and search for realistic options, does anyone have web 2.0 tools they use for evaluations of online courses? If so, how are you using them?


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